“If you truly want to change your life you must first change your mind.”
Photo courtesy Mindful.org
Hello! Today I’m going to talk about one of the meditation methods that is truly changing my life: mindfulness!
What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is the practice of staying in sync and aware of yourself and your surroundings. The origins of mindfulness are rooted in the Buddhists philosophy and its practice has been held for over 2,000 years.
As I read more on the subject and educate myself on what mindfulness is, I’m flabbergasted at the immense power our mind has over us. Our mind can be our greatest ally or our worst enemy. Another fact I’ve discovered recently is how some of the most important people we know (famous athletes, CEO’S…etc) use this technique. Some of them even have mind coaches! Furthermore, its despairing to see how mental wellness is so overlooked by society.
We are completely identified with our circumstances, people and things not knowing that these things are transient and completely interchangeable. Our true power comes from within.
My journey with mindfulness goes back to late 2016, when I read Eckhart Tolle’s book The Power Of Now for the very first time and I was immediately impacted by the depth and the accuracy of how our inner thoughts work. As a professional overthinker and ruminator, I appreciated it and deeply enjoyed the reading however, I failed to put it into practice.
It wasn’t until mid-January from this year that I decided to take it seriously and incorporate it in my daily life. So far, I think I’m improving my mental wellness as weeks go by.
In addition to this, especially if you’re new to meditation, I highly recommend going to a studio every once in a while to expand your knowledge and truly immerse yourself in it to get full results. It also helps immensely sharing your journey with the teachers. I’m not going to sugarcoat it for you, it takes time to see results. You’re not going to be a different person after one session of meditation. It takes time, practice and persistence to cultivate it.
Benefits of mindfulness:
- It helps dealing with your emotions in a healthy way.
- Not feeling overwhelmed with emotions, just accepting them as they are without judgment or stress.
- Peaceful, relaxed approach to things.
- Instead of adding worrisome intrusive thoughts to any situation, we see the situation as it is.
- Improve ability to focus and attention.
- Experience life as we live it without the need or attachment to future scenarios.
- Stress reduction.
- Boosts attention span and focus.
Recommended books: Everything by Eckhart Tolle is amazing. I’m just finishing A New Earth and I’m about to start How to Make Peace with Your Mind by Mark Coleman.
Do you meditate? Let me know in the comments below your thoughts about mindfulness or any other meditation technique that enhances your inner peace and calmness in your daily life.