The first time I found out about Chromasonic on IG, I didn’t really know what it was. An art exhibit? Kind of! Although the website does a pretty good job explaining the concept, you won’t understand what it’s really like until you go there and experience it yourself!
“Chromasonic is an immersive light and sound experience to inspire expanded states of awareness and connection.” – Chromasonic.com
The project started out in 2018 by Austrian-born, multimedia visual artist Johannes Girardoni and sound artists Orpheo McCord and Joel Shearer. In a world where people are glued to their phones, the idea of Chromasonic was conceived as a way to counteract the negative effects of screen addiction.

At Chromasonic, your visual and emotional sensors are the main driving forces behind this experience. Chromasonic is designed to expand your consciousness with virtual sensory technologies. The result? Awareness, connection and presence.
“Fusing science with art in light and sound, we create harmonic connections between natural and artificial cognition. The works blur boundaries of physical reality and our perception, resulting in an experience that suspends participants in time and space. Our StudioLab explores the potential of art as a catalyst to harmonize cognitive and somatic states.” – Chromasonic.com
Chromasonic is developing new sound installations across LA. Their location in Venice is called Satellite One and it’s currently open to the public. Tickets are $35 per person, which is pretty reasonable.

The location is on a residential street in Venice. When you get there, you’ll see a nondescript warehouse with a few chairs outside to wait until the session starts.

Each session takes place in a converted shipping container next to the warehouse. When you step in, you first walk into a waiting room where you fill out a form with questions about your current mood and stress levels. Then, you place your belongings in a bin alongside your shoes and proceed to enter the capsule.

Once the session started, I immediately realized that this would be a sensory delight for my pupils. I got slightly dizzy by the quick color transitions, but it went away pretty quickly. The two colors that resonated with me the most were pink and yellow. The latter felt like I was inside the sun.
The best way to describe the experience was leaving my body and entering into my subconscious.

When you meditate, there’s a moment when you open your eyes and you’re almost in a trance-like state. You have a heightened sense of awareness and you’re more in tune with yourself, and that’s what happened at Chromasonic. It was deeply-immersive and brought me into a relaxed and grounded state. At one point, my eyes even started drooping.
In some parts, there were low-frequency sounds where you could feel your whole body vibrate.
When the session ends, you go back to the waiting room and fill out the back of the form with your experience.
In a city like LA, where you can find sound bath and meditation classes everywhere, Chromasonic’s concept is pretty unique and I hope they continue to reach greater heights. I’m surprised there aren’t that many write-ups about Chromasonic, and I’m delighted to share it in my blog! If you live in LA, make sure to book your tickets.
Chromasonic also offers solo sessions and group sessions!

IG @chromasonic
Chromasonic believes in the importance of physical space. We also believe in nurturing all things analog. And, no surprise, we are big fans of PRINT !!!
-There’s a 10-minute grace period. After that, late entries are not permitted, so plan accordingly.
-White masks are provided to all guests to maximize the effects of the light and deepen the immersion.
This was an incredible experience and I can’t wait to go back!!

I look forward to the opening of this one!! ⬇️⬇️